
How to grasp the new taobao search rule of the five key points

Taobao search, is currently the world's largest shopping search engine, the search volume of nearly 400 million a day. Taobao search, unlike existing a lot of Chinese Internet application, basically do not have a mock object, everything is in grope, is changing all the time. From the beginning from the shelves in strict accordance with the time sequence, the Archimedes project, launched in July 2010 to search for ordering rules become more and more complex, more and more scientific. Search algorithms usually every half a month will do some adjust, every week three or four sets of algorithm in the online part flow testing, authenticated effect, which an algorithm to determine the line at the meeting, and then continue to modify the new parameters, test again.
First, "class of the taobao search purpose matching problem"

Class purpose matching problem: for example, I was selling lingerie, this brand only suit, I didn't sell piece bra, the category there are two options, one is bra, one is bra set. Search in the category taobao agent that you are in my bra, bra sets will not be searched out? And the word "bra" show is N times as "clients", if the product I think I can more easily be searched, then I have to go to the wrong place category, that it be illegal? Actually misplaced categories in the search does not account for the larger factors, as long as change come over, also won't be down right now. Itself now taobao categories will not particularly thin dielectric constant. Intentionally misplaced purposes, but if put some very not related things, such as 3 c, do you sell on the inside of the dress, it's serious. Buyer search bra, for example, more than 90% that are automatically matching the "bra" category, and then only if the search "clients" will automatically match the category "clients", showing the amount of words must be of the former is higher, so that we can try to popular categories.
Second, taobao search optimization should pay attention to what?

Taobao search rules like every year there are larger changes, search rules, why change? Such as the rules now is most can only display a page two of the same seller goods, and press the frame time before sorting according to the algorithm to calculate weight baby instead to sort, this change is larger for the seller. Like just one page only show Bags,Shoes & Accessories the same sellers of two goods, but there are exceptions, such as membership in search of a particular brand of words, such as "seven division division" these "aqua", it may appear more than two commodities, there is an exception, is ranked top three in the postage stamp a "postage stamp", in "the postage stamp" is also likely to be two. Search optimization is the most important is the key word, I suggest you in addition to the research of keywords at the same time, also should pay attention to pay attention to click, clinch a deal the conversion rate and shopping experience, we say the DSR score is also a shopping experience. Many people are complaining about traffic is not enough, but did not go to think of themselves to these flow have to use effectively. You have 200 UV, you only convert a clinch a deal, even not clinch a deal. There are several factors: the time distribution, according to this round of play, this is the default search, except available credit sorting and price and credit, this at one time fetching goods according to some factors to sort again, so you can according to the time to arrange reasonable goods shelves. This has several explanations, the flow of taobao, Monday and Tuesday is highest, 9 to 11 o 'clock in the morning is relatively high. From 3 to 5 PM, at 8 PM and 10 PM, the peak is the highest in the evening. Rush hour competition. Can avoid the rush hour. Relevance: divided into title correlation with category correlation, then we will be on this correlation clearer.
"Baby quality rating of three, taobao search"

Baby quality includes the quality of the images, including the quality of the baby details page, in addition to sales of baby's popularity points include baby, your conversion rates, you collect back and so on, but these are also based on the algorithm fitting to the machine, what is the fitting out, is that the background will take historical data fitting, see if the user really love, all don't cheat, the system is easy to find, the system automatically audit automatic punishment, and the system does not achieve 100% accurate, hope everybody can cause alerts don't cheat.
Four, the influence of the order of the taobao search sales

Sales itself can really show a lot of problems, such as user likes, we started out as a monthly sales Numbers, but we found that the quantity of monthly sales there will be many people go to the brush, we in order to increase the threshold of the cheating, so they changed to sales number, clinch a deal the sales number is you a even sell 100 pieces also calculate a, but I still can't solve the problem, so we then change to sales number, now a lot of calculation method is how much, how many clinch a deal may be many people to clinch a deal, after doing so is to make people cheating cost is high, this is risk this way. Sales, on the other hand, for the influence of the popular points do have a default algorithm in 30 days, we will deduct some large activities of sales, because this kind of sales for buyer reference significance is not big, to the seller not to participate in activities is also relatively unfair, so we will make every day like a bargain, special sales of these activities,Home & Garden and on the one hand, we will to calculate the sales of 7 days, for example, recently will be a factor in 30 days, 7 days will also be a factor, is to do so is there will be some change garments according to the popular goods and the outbreak of goods we also hope that users can see, is to see the problem from the Angle of the buyer.
Five, clinch a deal the conversion effects on taobao search ranking

First of all, the conversion mainly affects the growing popularity of search points, but it is not the main factors. Second we will go to the source of the reference rate, is likely to come through independent, category, search, collection, etc., we will go to the different sources of conversion, there may be some source of mutations, there are a lot of the seller, my shop by some malicious brush flow, one day more than 40000 traffic but not a deal, the conversion rate is very low, don't be nervous doesn't actually have an impact, because some people deliberately to brush flow general system can identify. Problem, this problem is actually a refund rate search algorithm with operations are the two teams, that from taobao background database will take out how much you refund rate for each store do not have any credit, if the credit refund rate have the calculation into the page is influential, has no effect if taken don't pay.

