
Diffuse whitening pale spot with the poetry

Received this trial is happy, is mainly for mom.
Mother is mixed skin, usually just using the most basic skin care products, facial cleanser, toner and cream these most basic nursing.
Didn't particularly like the brand, but it is ok to use comfortable.

This time also did not expect to succeed taobao agent to apply for the "European poetry whitening pale spot combination", surprise!

Received delivery, packaging very meticulous, delivery list and marked with the words "please inform me to sign for", it can be seen that the owner carefully oh ~
Open the box to see "the poem whitening pale spot combination", at first glance to like! Packing is very elegant, rich feeling, for me, "appearance" happy ~ 5 points

The trial process and experience

Now, we began to try ~

Open the poem "the whitening Health & Beauty pale spot combination", you will see a folder, this is the instruction ~

Open the manual, let's take a look inside to write what?
Turned out to be told how we try whitening pale spot combination "" the poetry
Then, we according to the specifications to meet the inside of the box baby ~ ~ (see below)
After understanding these little baby is about "the poem whitening pale spot combination" with a little understanding?
Next, we'll start the ~
1, put on the bottle "pearl white outstanding haun white skin essence" transparent small bottles out, turn it on:


2, take out the "needle"
Na "needle"
The "cylinder" and "cylinder"
Then "the pearly white remarkable shine white skin essence" grew up in a bottle

Take about 1 ml

3, then put the vial containing white powder "pearl white shine white skin essence" excellence, to open it


Then put the 1 ml syringe "pearl white outstanding haun white skin essence" import "pearl white outstanding haun white skin essence"


Then shake small bottle, shake vigorously
Shake well, then mix in the bottle a good liquid smoke into the cylinder

Finally the mixed liquid in the cylinder into mixing bowl "beauty"

So it will be ready to preparation, the next step ~ ~ can now

4, can now be mixture on their faces!
On the first two pictures of mother before use, one summer, mother originally is fair skin is black, plus a little spot, looks old a lot

Take out the cosmetic brush
With "beauty" bowl in the mixture,

Evenly coated in the face

5, the "pearl white outstanding haun white skin" out and apply on the face

15 minutes. Time to start!

Blink of an eye, 15 minutes

Now, you can put the mask off from down to up

6, the last step is to wash face,Home & Garden brush or pure dew point toner, take the remaining 1 ml before the essence on your face.

The whole poem "the whitening pale spot combination" skin care process is completed ~ now let's see the effect!

White a lot? And skin also becomes uniform ~

Let's take a look at figure:

Is white, skin color is uniform, but also the less oil.

Mother used after always smell good, also pretty sweet, such as the finished form going to buy a set, use for a long time, ha ha

Bright spots recommendation or advice

Advantage: "the poem whitening pale spot combination" taste very sweet, with a comfortable, whitening effect is remarkable, and it's worth a try! Pale spot to insist for a long time to just good comment faults: step is too trival, having a little trouble, but love beautiful younger sister paper, don't be frightened by this trouble, there is a saying well "are no ugly women, only lazy woman!" ~ ha ha

